Archive | Tháng Sáu 16, 2024

Chap 2: Mars – Ngọn lửa của ảo thuật gia, nghệ thuật của sự đánh cắp [VỤ ÁN ẢO THUẬT GIA ĐÁNH CẮP CÁC HÀNH TINH]

Fanfic được minh họa bởi Artist : Vân Teacat

Chap 2: Mars – Ngọn lửa của ảo thuật gia, nghệ thuật của sự đánh cắp.

Hakuba chậm rãi bước chân phía bên ngoài khu bảo tàng rộng lớn.

Thám tử trẻ đã xem xét một lượt bên trong viện bảo tàng. Với cấu trúc rộng lớn và phức tạp như nơi này hẳn sẽ gây khó khăn cho những tên trộm khác nếu như muốn trốn khỏi đây.

Nhưng với Kaitou KID là một điều ngoại lệ.

Hắn không chỉ có khả năng phô bày các trò ảo thuật để biến hiện trường phi vụ thành một sân khấu diễn của riêng mình, mà kẻ ấy còn sở hữu khả năng cải trang hoàn hảo cùng năng lực giả giọng người khác chuẩn xác vô cùng. 

Siêu trộm KID cũng có thể nhớ chính xác và rành mạch tất thảy mọi ngóc ngách trong nơi cất giữ báu vật mà hắn để mắt tới, để rồi luồn lách như một con chuột tinh ranh rời khỏi đó.

*Sau khi đánh cắp viên đá, hắn đã nhanh chóng cải trang thành một cảnh sát và lẫn vào đám đông lực lượng an ninh để rời đi*

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Chapter 1: Red Coral – Blood of the sea [THE CASE OF THE MAGICIAN STEALING THE PLANETS]

Illustrated by Van Teacat

Chapter 1: Red Coral – Blood of the sea


The rhythm vibrated in Manteau’s chest, along with the soft sound of a bell ringing, signaling an incoming call.

A call from a country 5,870 miles from London.

Young detective Hakuba often has international calls like this. And the caller now is also someone who often has time-sensitive communications compared to normal people.

“I listen, Bayya”

The teenage detective picked up the phone, it was a call from the devoted housekeeper named Bayya who had been taking care of Hakuba since childhood. And as usual, that woman is also the handsome young detective’s assistant in his investigations.

Perhaps the housekeeper had found the information that Hakuba Saguru had asked her to gather before. Although not too erudite, Bayya is an experienced and careful person.

“You have all the documents I need, right? Okay, just send it all to me by email.”

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Author: Ansoxxx_2411 aka Takara Momo

Artist: Van Teacat

Genre: Shouen Ai, Long Fic, Detective, Battle of Wisdom, Magic, Romance

Rating: 16 + (each chapter 3k words)

Pairing: Hakuba x Kid [HakuKid], Shinichi x Ran [ShinRan].


Detective London Hakuba had to put aside his current cases and entered a series of following the most talented criminal. A famous international thief has stolen gems from different countries in order of the planets of the Solar System.

He possesses superior disguise ability and outstanding intelligence, bringing top-notch magic shows that surprise audiences during his missions. At the same time, he also gave the detectives a headache by jumping into the fight.

His name is Kaitou KID.

Disclaimer: They belong to Aoyama sama, I only own the Fanfic. All details in the story are the writer’s imagination. If there is any coincidence by chance, it is unintentional and the writer is not responsible.

Illustrated by Van Teacat

Opening chapter:

Detective Hakuba Saguru closed the file in his hand.

“The case of the magician who stole the planets”

The corner of the young detective’s lips curled into his familiar arrogant, triumphant smile. Whether this criminal is the terror of the police force or turns all reasoning in Hakuba’s mind upside down, the London detective is still talented enough to reveal his tricks.

The seven thefts were carried out one after another as an arrogant provocation by the super thief, and the London detective brought them to light step by step.

Now it’s time to enter the final mission of his series of cases of stealing precious gems.

“Kaitou Kid, see you in Tokyo.”

Hakuba Saguru whispered as if talking to himself.

Stealing the treasure known as the mysterious Pandora’s box is truly a curious challenge of the mind.


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