Author: Ansoxxx_2411 aka Takara Momo

Artist: Van Teacat

Genre: Shouen Ai, Long Fic, Detective, Battle of Wisdom, Magic, Romance

Rating: 16 + (each chapter 3k words)

Pairing: Hakuba x Kid [HakuKid], Shinichi x Ran [ShinRan].


Detective London Hakuba had to put aside his current cases and entered a series of following the most talented criminal. A famous international thief has stolen gems from different countries in order of the planets of the Solar System.

He possesses superior disguise ability and outstanding intelligence, bringing top-notch magic shows that surprise audiences during his missions. At the same time, he also gave the detectives a headache by jumping into the fight.

His name is Kaitou KID.

Disclaimer: They belong to Aoyama sama, I only own the Fanfic. All details in the story are the writer’s imagination. If there is any coincidence by chance, it is unintentional and the writer is not responsible.

Illustrated by Van Teacat

Opening chapter:

Detective Hakuba Saguru closed the file in his hand.

“The case of the magician who stole the planets”

The corner of the young detective’s lips curled into his familiar arrogant, triumphant smile. Whether this criminal is the terror of the police force or turns all reasoning in Hakuba’s mind upside down, the London detective is still talented enough to reveal his tricks.

The seven thefts were carried out one after another as an arrogant provocation by the super thief, and the London detective brought them to light step by step.

Now it’s time to enter the final mission of his series of cases of stealing precious gems.

“Kaitou Kid, see you in Tokyo.”

Hakuba Saguru whispered as if talking to himself.

Stealing the treasure known as the mysterious Pandora’s box is truly a curious challenge of the mind.


A young detective ran hurriedly through the crowded streets of Shibuya. There were drops of sweat on the six-year-old boy’s tense face. Edogawa Conan held up the glasses he was wearing and listened attentively to what was being said through his detective walkie-talkie.

Haibara Ai’s voice seemed to fade away in that noisy and chaotic noise. As for Ran Mouri, no matter how hard Conan tried, he could no longer hear her voice, the remaining sound was only a cold and tasteless beep .

Conan Edogawa ran past a large advertising sign with news about the magician thief of the century.


And somewhere else, the Western Osaka detective stared intently at his television screen. The super thief with a white vest and silver cloak is standing on Tokyo Tower. The hem of his cloak fluttered proudly in the night breeze.

Hiding his true face and emotions behind reflective glass, the smile of super thief KID is like a challenge from the flute player of Hamelin.

If he weren’t stuck on an extracurricular school vacation in Hokkaido, perhaps Hattori Heiji wouldn’t have hesitated to come and participate in that famous KID thief case.

A formidable opponent that the young detective cannot ignore.

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